F internet shearing

Thursday, 4 February 2016


Software ini adalah pelindung dasar komputer anda, komputer yang terinstal software ini maka setelah direstart segala macam perubahan yang terjadi baik software atau games yang diinstal akan hilang semua dan komputer akan kembali seperti keadaan semula ketika anda mengunci komputer tersebut.
Deep Freeze Full ini juga merupakan software yang sangat ampuh untuk menghalau virus masuk ke komputer kita. Cara menggunakan Deep Freeze Enterprise ini juga tidaklah sulit. Pada intinya anda cukup membuat komputer anda senyaman mungkin, instal dengan aplikasi dan games yang menurut anda penting. Setelah itu anda jalankan Deep Freeze gunakan password yang mudah anda ingat, bila perlu anda catat, karena password ini adalah pintu masuk anda. Setelah itu pilih drive mana saja yang ingin anda kunci.
Misalkan anda pilih drive C, maka setelah Deep Freeze diaktifkan, Drive C ini tidak dapat anda modifikasi apapun. Misalkan anda menginstal software, maka setelah restart software yang baru anda instal tersebut akan hilang. Tetapi jika anda ingin menambahkan software atau games baru ke Drive C agar tidak hilang, anda harus membuka dulu kunci di Deep Freeze untuk drive C. Setelah terbuka, baru anda instal software tersebut, setelah selesai menginstal software atau games tersebut, anda kunci lagi Drive C menggunakan Deep Freeze Full ini.
System Requirements : To run the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and the Enterprise Console, your system requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Server 2000, 2003, 2008  or 2012 (32 and 64-bit versions of all supported operating systems). The Deep Freeze  workstation installation requires Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 (32  and 64-bit versions of all supported operating systems) and 10% free hard drive space.
  • Administrator settings are encrypted with a custom code
  • Up to 15 different password for Workstation are adjustable to three positions before the expiration date and can be used to define them.
  • Production of a daily disposable or password
  • Optionally disable mouse and keyboard when performing maintenance Mlythay
  • Production of pre-configured installation file
  • Freeze and Thaw before setting drive
  • Timing for automatic restart or shut Don
  • Set the computer to turn off after a period of unemployment
  • Timing out of the freezer and automatic Windows updates or update antivirus definitions
  • Create virtual drives that can be put to Save the files and programs that you want to use
  • Adjust the volume and file system virtual drive FAT, FAT32, NTFS –
  • Set the Remote Console or the Command Line
  • Centralized management
Buka Deep Freeze

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Hotspot Shield Elite Full Version Download

Hotspot Shield adalah alat yang sangat berguna yang menciptakan virtual private network (VPN) dengan menyembunyikan lokasi Anda. Hal ini juga mencegah hacker mengakses dan pelacakan email Anda, debit atau detil kartu kredit dan informasi rahasia lainnya. Perisai hotspot melindungi privasi Anda melalui koneksi internet. Saat bepergian Anda mungkin kadang-kadang perlu untuk mengakses email Anda dan kartu kredit melalui publik Wi-Fi hotspot dan ini Wi-Fi publik hotspot Anda kurang dilindungi dan hacker beraksi untuk mencuri informasi penting Anda, kartu kredit, email dan lainnya rincian sensitif.

Dalam situasi seperti program antivirus biasa tidak melindungi Anda dan hanya program keamanan yang menyelamatkan Anda adalah AnchorFree Hotspot Shield VPN gratis. Meskipun Hotspot Shield bebas untuk men-download dan digunakan, tetapi untuk memanfaatkan fitur premium Anda perlu membeli hotspot shield elite. Untungnya hari ini kita akan berbagi dengan Anda hotspot perisai versi lengkap elit benar-benar gratis.

Top Features of Hotspot Shield Elite
  • Anonymous browsing
  • Ultra-safe surfing with Hotspot Shield
  • More than just Antivirus protection
  • Protect your privacy online
  • Hide your IP address
  • One-click solution
  • Protect you from hijackers
  • Multiple Virtual Locations
  • Premium Protection valid till 2018
Hotspot Shield Elite Full Version Download

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Monday, 25 January 2016

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Tuesday, 8 December 2015


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Saturday, 28 November 2015

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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 FULL VERSION

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Final Full Crack adalah sebuah software pengolah gambar digital yang memiliki banyak fungsi dan fitur. Dengan menggunakna Adobe Photoshop, kita dapat dengan mudah mengolah dan mengedit sebuah gambar. Telah banyak perubahaan dari segi interface dan kemudahan dalam melakukan editing. Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Final Full Crack ?
sebuah aplikasi editing foto terbaik dengan berbagai macam fitur canggih dan terbaru yang akan membuat foto anda menjadi semakin menarik. Kini banyak sekali foto hasil edit menggunakan aplikasi Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Full Crack ini dan diunggah ke sosial media seperti Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, dan sosial media lainnya. Nah foto-foto tersebut tampak seperti foto asli

Features Of Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
  • Improved performance and better responsiveness thanks to Adobe Mercury Engine
  • 3D Printing features: view and edit designs from other 3D programs such as Cinema 4D or Autodesk Maya and print your models
  • Adobe Creative Cloud subscription validation: get instant access to the latest updates and fixes, work seamlessly, collaborate with the community and synchronize files across multiple computers effortlessly
  • Camera RAW 8: apply camera raw edits as filters to any file or layer to enhance them the way you want
  • Perspective Warp: adjust the perspective of a specific part of an image without affecting the rest
  • Smart Sharpen filter: sharpen your pictures with rich details and textures without losing quality or adding noise
  • Camera Shake Reduction: restore sharpness accurately for your blurred pictures
  • Real-time image asset generation retouching: Photoshop saves tagged layers as individual files and collects them in a folder
  • Linked Smart Objects: repurpose your Smart Objects across different Photoshop files to get smaller documents and save hard-disk space
System Requirements Adobe Photoshop CC 2015
  • Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Mac OS X 10.7 or later
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or AMD equivalent
  • RAM memory: 1GB or higher
  • Video Card: 1024×768 resolution device display, 1280×800 recommended, compatible with OpenGL 2.0, 512MB VRAM and 16-bit color
  • Hard disk: 2.5 GB of free space
  • Internet connection required for software activation

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Saturday, 14 November 2015

DOWNLOAD Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain FULL VERSION

Konami Digital Entertainment continues forth the ‘METAL GEAR SOLID V Experience’ with the latest chapter

METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain. Ushering in a new era for the franchise with cutting-edge technology powered by the Fox Engine, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will provide players a first-rate gaming experience as they are offered tactical freedom to carry out open-world missions.

Nine years after the events of MGSV: GROUND ZEROES and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakens from a nine year coma. The year is 1984. The Cold War serves as the backdrop as nuclear weapons continue to shape a global crisis. Driven by revenge, Snake establishes a new private army and returns to the battlefield in pursuit of the shadow group, XOF.

The METAL GEAR SOLID team continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will leave its mark as one of the hallmarks in the gaming industry for its cinematic storytelling, heavy themes, and immersive tactical gameplay

MGSV brings the first true open-world experience in the Metal Gear series. The player has a huge environment at their disposal, where they can decide how to go about the missions. The two main areas are Afghanistan (Northern Kabul) and Africa (Angola-Zaire border region).
The buddies are companions that can assist Snake on the battlefield. There are four buddies (D-Horse, D-Walker, D-Dog and Quiet), each of them with different abilities.
You can use the Fulton recovery system to recruit soldiers into your Mother Base. In addition, these balloons can be used to procure other kinds of resources, such as vehicles, animals, containers, etc
Mother Base has been expanded on since Peace Walker, and now allows the player to walk freely around the base. Snake can also take part in different activities, such as shooting range practices, joining in CQC with soldiers or base defending when Mother Base is attacked.

In addition to the Mother Base, it is possible to construct other bases called Forward Operating Bases. While the first one of these bases can be built for free, any additional FOB requires MB coins that can be purchased with real money.
FOBs are also part of an online mode where a player can choose to invade another player's FOB, while the other person has the option to defend their own base


Play Your Best Season Yet in FIFA 16.

Create more moments of magic than ever before with FIFA 16. Make every match memorable with increased control in Midfield, improved defensive moves, more stars, and a new way to play. Build your dream team in FIFA Ultimate Team, or compete as one of 12 Women’s National Teams for the first time ever in the FIFA franchise, including Germany, USA, France, Sweden, England, Brazil, and more. FIFA 16 innovates across the entire pitch, delivering a lifelike and authentic football experience.
Game Features:

Innovative new features. Play your way, in your favorite modes, and experience all-new gameplay elements that bring each match to life. FIFA 16 brings Confidence in Defending, Control in Midfield, and gives you the tools you need to play and experience an incredible match of football.

Play as Women's National Teams. Choose from one of 12 Women's National Teams and compete in Match Day, an Offline Tournament, Online Seasons Cup, and Online Friendly Matches. The available teams are: Germany, USA, France, Sweden, England, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Spain, China, Italy, Mexico.

Build your dream team. Choose from among the best football stars of all time and build a team to take home the glory in FIFA Ultimate Team. Join an online community of more than 15 million fans to buy, trade, and sell players. Sign up to throw down against your friends’ teams or compete in solo single-player tournaments – player stats, scores and team standings get updated every week.

Share with fans, share with friends. Experience the social side of football with the EA SPORTS Football Club. The more you play, the faster you move up all 100 levels so track your progress and share it with friends. Join live Challenges and earn rewards that unlock hundreds of in-game items from the Football Club Catalogue. Watch as real-world storylines drive Football Club challenges so FIFA 16 looks, feels and plays like the real-world season

Minimum Specifications
OS: Windows 7/8/8.1 - 64-Bit
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.1GHz (or AMD Phenom 7950 Quad-Core, AMD Athlon II X4 620 equivalent)
Hard Drive Space Required: 15.0 GB
Minimum Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 5770, NVIDIA GTX 650
DirectX: 11.0
Single System Multiplayer: 2-4 players + 1 keyboard on a PC
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset

Recommended Specifications
OS: Windows 8/8.1/10 - 64-Bit
CPU: Intel i5-2550K @ 3.40GHz (or AMD FX-6350 Six-Core equivalent)
Hard Drive Space Required: 15.0 GB
Minimum Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon HD 6870, NVIDIA GTX 460
DirectX: 11.0
Single System Multiplayer: 2-4 players + 1 keyboard on a PC
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Dual Analogue gamepad, VOIP Headset

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